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My preferred websites

This website is managed by Markus Herzig. You will find a lot of pictures, information and the complete Swiss helicopter register. It is the ideal address for the spotters who are looking for detailed information about the helicopters registered in Switzerland. The site is daily updated with the latest news. Various links will address you to sites of other helicopter enthusiast, helicopter operators, pilots, offices, etc. Do not forget to also visit the other topics presented.

This website founded in 1998 is managed by Rickard Gillberg along with Mattias Axelsson and proposes a lot of pictures, facts, information and the complete Swedish helicopter register.
The website initially known as “Rickard’s Helicopter Pages”, had its roots in a private homepage that came online in 1996. As the international interest grew the website was renamed to Nordic Rotors in January of 2001. It contains a lot of very interesting historical pictures of the early helicopters registered in Europe. It's worth a visit!

This site, managed by Urs Keller, is daily updated with the latest news. You will find a lot of Swiss and foreigners helicopter pictures, various information, the Swiss helicopter register and much more.

This site is managed by Damiano Gualdoni. You will find a lot of helicopter pictures, information and the Italian helicopter register. The site is frequently updated with the latest news.

This site is managed by Pierre Gillard who is a great fan of Alouette III and Lama. Here you will find a lot of helicopter pictures, information, brochures, articles and much more. The site is frequently updated with the latest news.

News, images, videos, and much more on the airport of Lugano-Agno may be found in this website managed by Christian Destefani and Marco Pianca.

News all over the world, forum, image galleries and much more on this website managed by Giacomo Pipoli.

Discover the audio-visual legacy of the the French-speaking part of Switzerland. If you digit the French names "Hermann Geiger""Fernand Martignoni", or the term "hélicoptère" you will have the opportunity to watch very interesting old videos.

The site of the American Helicopter Society proposes a lot of information, exceptional pictures and videos of the past.

Visit the website of the Swiss Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB). This office produces for every aircraft accident or serious incident investigated a detailed report. The latter is normally written in the language of the region where the accident took place. Some reports are also available in English. The title of the report indicates the available languages. Different reports are available, depending on the status of the investigation. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read and print out these reports.